object FunctionWizard: TFunctionWizard Left = 210 Top = 121 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Function Wizard' ClientHeight = 271 ClientWidth = 493 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Position = poScreenCenter OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Label2: TLabel Left = 4 Top = 8 Width = 41 Height = 13 Caption = 'Function' end object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 160 Top = 8 Width = 5 Height = 257 Shape = bsLeftLine end object Info1: TLabel Left = 172 Top = 148 Width = 105 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify AutoSize = False Caption = 'Info1' Visible = False end object Info2: TLabel Left = 172 Top = 172 Width = 105 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify AutoSize = False Caption = 'Info2' Visible = False end object Info3: TLabel Left = 172 Top = 196 Width = 105 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify AutoSize = False Caption = 'Info3' Visible = False end object Comms: TOutline Left = 12 Top = 24 Width = 141 Height = 237 Lines.Nodes = ( 'User windows' #9'@WGET' #9'@WLINES' #9'@WMAXID' #9'@WNUM' #9'@WOPEN' #9'@WOPEQ' #9'@WSTAT' #9'@WTITLE' 'File handling' #9'@FOPW' #9'@FOPR' #9'@FOPA' #9'@FNRD' #9'@FSRD' #9'@FEOF' 'Date and time' #9'@GETDAY' #9'@GETMONTH' #9'@GETYEAR' #9'@TIME' 'System' #9'@IDLE' #9'@ONLINE' #9'@TICK' #9'@TICKS' #9'@TOTICK' 'Strings and conversions' #9'@CHR' #9'@LEN' #9'@NTOS' #9'@POS' #9'@STON' 'Miscellaneous' #9'@CRY' #9'@DCRY' #9'@INGROUP' #9'@LASTMUD' #9'@MYHP' #9'@MYMANA' #9'@MYMOV' #9'@POPUPN' #9'@POPUPS' #9'@RND' 'Parameters handling' #9'@PARMN' #9'@PARMS' 'Colors' #9'Background' #9#9'@BGBlack' #9#9'@BGBlue' #9#9'@BGGreen' #9#9'@BGCyan' #9#9'@BGRed' #9#9'@BGMagenta' #9#9'@BGBrown' #9#9'@BGLightGray' #9#9'@BGDarkGray' #9#9'@BGLightBlue' #9#9'@BGLightGreen' #9#9'@BGLightCyan' #9#9'@BGLightRed' #9#9'@BGLightMagenta' #9#9'@BGYellow' #9#9'@BGWhite' #9'Foreground' #9#9'@FGBlack' #9#9'@FGBlue' #9#9'@FGGreen' #9#9'@FGCyan' #9#9'@FGRed' #9#9'@FGMagenta' #9#9'@FGBrown' #9#9'@FGLightGray' #9#9'@FGDarkGray' #9#9'@FGLightBlue' #9#9'@FGLightGreen' #9#9'@FGLightCyan' #9#9'@FGLightRed' #9#9'@FGLightMagenta' #9#9'@FGYellow' #9#9'@FGWhite' #9'Special' #9#9'@PushColors' #9#9'@PopColors' #9#9'@NormalColors' #9#9'@HiColors') OutlineStyle = osText Options = [ooDrawFocusRect] ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 0 OnClick = CommsClick ItemSeparator = '\' end object Memo1: TMemo Left = 64 Top = 4 Width = 61 Height = 17 Lines.Strings = ( 'SYNTAX:' '' 'number of parameters' 'parameter-type space parameter-name' '...' '...' 'number of lines for the command' 'command lines (parameters are inserted at #1#)' '...' '...' 'description' '' 'PARAMETERS:' '- type : - n : single number can'#39't be ' + 'blank' ' - t : single text can be bl' + 'ank' ' - v : variable can'#39't be ' + 'blank' ' - e : expression can'#39't be ' + 'blank' '<@LASTMUD>' '0' '1' '@LASTMUD' 'Returns the name of the last mud you connected to since when ELF' + ' was opened.' '<@POS>' '3' 't Text to search for' 't Text where to search' 'n Starting position' '1' '@POS(#1#)' '@POS(,,) searches for the' + ' first occurrence of in searching from .' 'Returns the position if found or 0 if not found.' '<@PARMN>' '1' 'n Parameter #' '1' '@PARMN(#1#a)' 'Extracts a variable part from the line that activated the trigge' + 'r or the alias.' '@ParmN returns a numeric value.' '<@PARMS>' '1' 'n Parameter #' '1' '@PARMS(#1#a)' 'Extracts a variable part from the line that activated the trigge' + 'r or the alias.' '@ParmS returns a string value.' '<@WGET>' '2' 'n Id' 'n Line #' '1' '@WGET(#1#)' '@WGET(,) returns the content of the line of the user' + ' window.' '<@WLINES>' '1' 'n Id' '1' '@WLINES(#1#)' '@WLINES() returns the number of lines in the user windows.' '<@WMAXID>' '0' '1' '@WMAXID' '@WMAXID returns the highest id allocated at that moment by ELF f' + 'or user windows. This is useful to scan all of them together wit' + 'h @WSTAT.' '<@WNUM>' '1' 't Title' '1' '@WNUM(#1#)' '@WNUM() returns the id of the user window with that title' + '. Returns -1 if such a window doesn'#39't exist.' '<@WOPEN>' '1' 't Title' '1' '@WOPEN(#1#)' '@WOPEN(<title>) opens a user window with the specified title and' + ' returns an id. ELF remembers position and dimension (referenced' + ' by title) of the user windows.' '<@WOPEQ>' '1' 't Title' '1' '@WOPEQ(#1#)' '@WOPEQ(<title>) opens a user window with the specified title and' + ' returns an id. If a user window with the same title already exi' + 'sts then returns that id. ELF remembers position and dimension (' + 'referenced by title) of the user windows.' '<@WSTAT>' '1' 'n Id' '1' '@WSTAT(#1#)' '@WSTAT(<id>) returns a value depending on the visual status of t' + 'he user window referenced by id:0 - doesn'#39't exist 1 - iconicized' + '2 - hidden3 - normal4 - zoomed' '<@WTITLE>' '1' 'n Id' '1' '@WTITLE(#1#)' '@WTITLE(<id>) returns the title of the user window referenced by' + ' id. Returns '#39#39' if such a window doesn'#39't exist.' '<@GETDAY>' '0' '1' '@GETDAY' 'Returns the day of the month' '<@GETMONTH>' '0' '1' '@GETMONTH' 'Returns the current month' '<@GETYEAR>' '0' '1' '@GETYEAR' 'Returns the current year' '<@TIME>' '0' '1' '@TIME' 'Returns the hour in terms of seconds after midnight' '<@IDLE>' '0' '1' '@IDLE' 'Returns the number of seconds since the last key was pressed' '<@ONLINE>' '0' '1' '@ONLINE' 'Returns 1 if you are connected to a MUD, 0 otherwise' '<@TICK>' '0' '1' '@TICK' 'Returns the estimated TICK duration in seconds' '<@TICKS>' '0' '1' '@TICKS' 'Returns the number of TICKs recognised by ELF' '<@TOTICK>' '0' '1' '@TOTICK' 'Returns the number of seconds to the end of the TICK' '<@CHR>' '1' 'n ASCII code' '1' '@CHR(#1#)' '@CHR(<ASCII code>) returns the char with the corresponding ASCII' + ' code.' '<@LEN>' '1' 't String' '1' '@LEN(#1#)' '@LEN(<string>) returns the length of the specified string.' '<@NTOS>' '1' 'n Number' '1' '@NTOS(#1#)' '@NTOS(<number>) converts a number into a string.' '<@STON>' '1' 't String' '1' '@STON(#1#)' '@STON(<string>) converts a string into a number.' '<@CRY>' '2' 't Text' 't Password' '1' '@CRY(#1#)' '@CRY(<text>,<password>) encrypts <text> using the specified <pas' + 'sword>. Text and password are both strings. Returns a string. Th' + 'is function encrypts text in the range chr(32)..chr(127) (printa' + 'ble characters) returning text in the same printable range.' '<@DCRY>' '2' 't Text' 't Password' '1' '@DCRY(#1#)' '@DCRY(<text>,<password>) decrypts <text> using the specified <pa' + 'ssword>. Text and password are both strings. Returns a string.' '<@INGROUP>' '1' 't Name' '1' '@INGROUP(#1#)' '@INGROUP(<name>) checks whether the specified <name> is a member' + ' of your group. Returns 0 if it isn'#39't, its index in the group if' + ' it is.' '<@MYHP>' '0' '1' '@MYHP' '@MYHP returns the value of your HPs that ELF has extracted from ' + 'the PROMPT (you must correctly set the relevant parameters in th' + 'e general configuration page).' '<@MYMANA>' '0' '1' '@MYMANA' '@MYMANA returns the value of your MANA that ELF has extracted fr' + 'om the PROMPT (you must correctly set the relevant parameters in' + ' the general configuration page).' '<@MYMOV>' '0' '1' '@MYMOV' '@MYMOV returns the value of your MOVement that ELF has extracted' + ' from the PROMPT (you must correctly set the relevant parameters' + ' in the general configuration page).' '<@RND>' '1' 'n Max value' '1' '@RND(#1#)' '@RND(<max>) returns a random value between 0 and max-1. Max must' + ' be in range 0..65000.' '<@FOPW>' '1' 't File name' '1' '@FOPW(#1#)' '@FOPW(<file-name>) opens <file-name> for writing. Returns a nume' + 'ric id (0 if an error occurs). If the file already exists, it is' + ' deleted before rewriting it.' '<@FOPR>' '1' 't File name' '1' '@FOPR(#1#)' '@FOPR(<file-name>) opens <file-name> for reading. Returns a nume' + 'ric id (0 if an error occurs). The file must exist.' '<@FOPA>' '1' 't File name' '1' '@FOPA(#1#)' '@FOPA(<file-name>) opens <file-name> for appending. Returns a nu' + 'meric id (0 if an error occurs).' '<@FNRD>' '1' 'n Id' '1' '@FNRD(#1#)' '@FNRD(<id>) reads a number from the file identified by id.' '<@FSRD>' '1' 'n Id' '1' '@FSRD(#1#)' '@FSRD(<id>) reads a string from the file identified by id.' '<@FEOF>' '1' 'n Id' '1' '@FEOF(#1#)' '@FEOF(<id>) returns 1 if the file identified by id has reached i' + 'ts end, 0 otherwise.' '<@BGBlack>' '0' '1' '@BGBlack' 'Sets the background color to BLACK.' '<@BGBlue>' '0' '1' '@BGBlue' 'Sets the background color to BLUE.' '<@BGGreen>' '0' '1' '@BGGreen' 'Sets the background color to GREEN.' '<@BGCyan>' '0' '1' '@BGCyan' 'Sets the background color to CYAN.' '<@BGRed>' '0' '1' '@BGRed' 'Sets the background color to RED.' '<@BGMagenta>' '0' '1' '@BGMagenta' 'Sets the background color to MAGENTA.' '<@BGBrown>' '0' '1' '@BGBrown' 'Sets the background color to BROWN.' '<@BGLightGray>' '0' '1' '@BGLightGray' 'Sets the background color to LIGHT GRAY.' '<@BGDarkGray>' '0' '1' '@BGDarkGray' 'Sets the background color to DARK GRAY.' '<@BGLightBlue>' '0' '1' '@BGLightBlue' 'Sets the background color to LIGHT BLUE.' '<@BGLightGreen>' '0' '1' '@BGLightGreen' 'Sets the background color to LIGHT GREEN.' '<@BGLightCyan>' '0' '1' '@BGLightCyan' 'Sets the background color to LIGHT CYAN.' '<@BGLightRed>' '0' '1' '@BGLightRed' 'Sets the background color to LIGHT RED.' '<@BGLightMagenta>' '0' '1' '@BGLightMagenta' 'Sets the background color to LIGHT MAGENTA.' '<@BGYellow>' '0' '1' '@BGYellow' 'Sets the background color to YELLOW.' '<@BGWhite>' '0' '1' '@BGWhite' 'Sets the background color to WHITE.' '<@FGBlack>' '0' '1' '@FGBlack' 'Sets the foreground color to BLACK.' '<@FGBlue>' '0' '1' '@FGBlue' 'Sets the foreground color to BLUE.' '<@FGGreen>' '0' '1' '@FGGreen' 'Sets the foreground color to GREEN.' '<@FGCyan>' '0' '1' '@FGCyan' 'Sets the foreground color to CYAN.' '<@FGRed>' '0' '1' '@FGRed' 'Sets the foreground color to RED.' '<@FGMagenta>' '0' '1' '@FGMagenta' 'Sets the foreground color to MAGENTA.' '<@FGBrown>' '0' '1' '@FGBrown' 'Sets the foreground color to BROWN.' '<@FGLightGray>' '0' '1' '@FGLightGray' 'Sets the foreground color to LIGHT GRAY.' '<@FGDarkGray>' '0' '1' '@FGDarkGray' 'Sets the foreground color to DARK GRAY.' '<@FGLightBlue>' '0' '1' '@FGLightBlue' 'Sets the foreground color to LIGHT BLUE.' '<@FGLightGreen>' '0' '1' '@FGLightGreen' 'Sets the foreground color to LIGHT GREEN.' '<@FGLightCyan>' '0' '1' '@FGLightCyan' 'Sets the foreground color to LIGHT CYAN.' '<@FGLightRed>' '0' '1' '@FGLightRed' 'Sets the foreground color to LIGHT RED.' '<@FGLightMagenta>' '0' '1' '@FGLightMagenta' 'Sets the foreground color to LIGHT MAGENTA.' '<@FGYellow>' '0' '1' '@FGYellow' 'Sets the foreground color to YELLOW.' '<@FGWhite>' '0' '1' '@FGWhite' 'Sets the foreground color to WHITE.' '<@PushColors>' '0' '1' '@PushColors' 'Saves the actual colors of the line at the point where it is ins' + 'erted.' 'Useful to temporarily modify a color in a word that is part of a' + ' line that already shows colors.' '<@PopColors>' '0' '1' '@PopColors' 'Restores the colors of the line saved by @PushColor.' 'Useful to temporarily modify a color in a word that is part of a' + ' line that already shows colors.' '<@NormalColors>' '0' '1' '@NormalColors' 'Restores default colors.' '<@HiColors>' '0' '1' '@HiColors' 'Selects high-intensity foreground colors.' 'This function is present only for compatibility. Use explicit co' + 'lor definition instead.' '<@PopupN>' '0' '1' '@PopupN("t1",...,"tn")' 'Shows a popup menu with the specified items at mouse position. R' + 'eturns a numeric value containing the number of the selected ite' + 'm (first items is number 1).' 'Returns 0 if no item is selected.' '<@PopupS>' '0' '1' '@PopupS("t1",...,"tn")' 'Shows a popup menu with the specified items at mouse position. R' + 'eturns a string value containing the selected item.' 'Returns a null string if no item is selected.' '<@@@>') TabOrder = 1 Visible = False WordWrap = False end object Edit1: TEdit Left = 280 Top = 144 Width = 209 Height = 21 TabOrder = 2 Visible = False OnChange = Edit1Change end object Edit2: TEdit Left = 280 Top = 168 Width = 209 Height = 21 TabOrder = 3 Visible = False OnChange = Edit1Change end object Edit3: TEdit Left = 280 Top = 192 Width = 209 Height = 21 TabOrder = 4 Visible = False OnChange = Edit1Change end object Memo2: TMemo Left = 168 Top = 8 Width = 321 Height = 125 BorderStyle = bsNone Color = clBtnFace Ctl3D = True Lines.Strings = ( 'Select a function from the list.' 'The necessary parameters will be shown.' 'Enter them and then press OK.' '' 'That'#39's all :-)') ParentCtl3D = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 5 end object BitBtn1: TBitBtn Left = 392 Top = 232 Width = 75 Height = 25 TabOrder = 6 Kind = bkCancel end object ok: TBitBtn Left = 308 Top = 232 Width = 75 Height = 25 Enabled = False TabOrder = 7 OnClick = okClick Kind = bkOK end end